Blockchain Course

A course that can place you into a job

Hey, you probably came here because you are interested in blockchains

And looking for a course that will teach you all the confusing words like

smart contracts
proof of work
private key
public key

I was in the same place as you. And that's why I created this course.

This course will not only teach you everything there is to know about blockchains,

but it will also help you get a job as a blockchain engineer.

Get a job as a blockchain engineer

Did you know that there is no official major for a blockchain engineer yet? No one has formal blockchain education. Universities don't offer programs for blockchain engineers. Why? Because they are not caught up yet.

And do you what it means? It means that you can get a job as a blockchain engineer. You don't need any fancy university degrees.

By just putting in a bit of effort, you can build your developer portfolio which will help you stand out. A developer portfolio is a portfolio of your work. Like the side projects that you've been building. Now is a good time to stand out.

Make your resume stand out

There is currently a great demand for blockchain engineers. The average salary for a blockchain engineer is in the range of πŸ€‘ $150K - $200K πŸ€‘. That's a lot!

And it's true that there are a lot of applicants for these jobs. But guess what? Most of the applicants don't differentiate themselves. You can make your resume stand out a lot by being proactive and building projects that you can showcase in your developer portfolio.

But you might be asking:
what do I put on the portfolio? You might not have solid blockchain projects behind your back and it's understandable. Blockchain is a new industry.

But this course will help you build your portfolio. After finishing the course, you will have at least
3 solid blockchain projects which you can put on your resume. One of the projects will be the "Final Project" of the course.

Final Project

Basically, at the end of the course, you will come up with your own project and I will guide you through the process of building it. You can get as crazy as you want. I will help you build it.

So, after finishing the course you will have at least 3 solid blockchain projects.
Solid projects which employers will be impressed by.

Course Content

We will cover

  • the blockchain fundamentals
  • also fun tangents
  • and real blockchain projects
  • + final project

Here is the full outline of the course:

Interacting with Blockchains

  1. Identities on Blockchains
  1. πŸ“š A little math: Keys, Addresses, Signatures
  1. First Interaction with Blockchain
  1. πŸ”¨ Building our own Wallet in Excel
  1. 🦊 MetaMask
  1. More about Wallets
  1. Buying Crypto from Coinbase

Internal Data Structure of Blockchains

  1. Examining Data Using a Block Explorer
  1. πŸ“š A little CS: Blockchain structure
  1. Journey of a blockchain transaction
  1. πŸ”¨ Building our own Block Explorer
  1. The Bitcoin blockchain


  1. Ethereum 101
  1. Writing Smart Contracts in Solidity
  1. πŸ”¨ Building a Decentralized Lottery
  1. ERC-20, ERC-721 and other Ethereum Standards
  1. πŸ”¨ Creating our own Coin
  1. Ethereum 2.0

πŸ”¨ Building our own Blockchain

  1. Blockchain Design
  1. πŸ“š A little math: Proof of work and other consensus mechanisms
  1. Tokenomics
  1. πŸ”¨ The Code
  1. The Genius of Satoshi

πŸ”¨ dApp #1 - Smart Contract Marketplace

  1. In progress...

πŸ”¨ dApp #2 - Decentralized YouTube

  1. In progress...
  1. How NFTs work under the hood
  1. πŸ”¨ Creating our own NFT
  1. Cryptocurrencies
  1. Other financial instruments
  1. πŸ”¨ Building our own Decentralized Financial Instrument
  1. Ethereum alternatives
  1. πŸ”¨ Porting our Coin to Binance Smart Chain
  1. History of Blockchains (Timeline)
  1. How DAOs work under the hood
  1. Interesting DAOs
  1. πŸ”¨ Creating our own DAO
  1. Choose your own project
  1. A few project ideas
  1. Asking for help
  1. Submission

Course Features

Two-way course

Most of the courses are one-way: You're given some video that you're supposed to watch. But there is no feedback from you.

This course is different. If at any point during the course you're lost, you can always ask questions in a special question form. I will get back to you with an answer as soon as I can.

Frequently updating material

Blockchain technology is still in its early days. Blockchain today is like the internet in the 90s. The best and most successful applications are yet to be discovered.

To keep up with the progress in the blockchain space, this course will be frequently updated with the latest information.

Not a long and boring pre-recorded video course

I know that long courses can be exhausting. You never finish them.

But this course is not a typical lecture course where I will talk at you for an hour and a half. Instead, it will be a mix of interactive, hands-on material like the one shown below:

Not just theory

Here is what traditional courses do:

This course inverts learning. Here is what we will do:

Why me? Why should I teach you this?

My name is Nazar. I created this course because I was in your shoes once. I was interested in blockchains but couldn't find a single place where I could learn everything. The theory, the code, the projects, etc. Everything. I had to google lots of stuff and stitch together learnings from a lot of websites.

I thought that I should create this course to serve as the go-to place to learn blockchains. To learn everything there is to learn about blockchains.

Along the way, I realized that the blockchain market is hot right now and that a lot of people are interested in becoming blockchain engineers. And then I pivoted my course a little to focus on helping my students build their developer portfolios. This portfolio is meant to differentiate them and showcase their blockchain skills.

I am a software engineer myself. I worked at Google for the past 2.5 years. And I know the struggle of searching for a programming job. The stress of the programming interviews. I've been through this. And I want to help you with your job search. Before Google, I graduated from MIT with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science.

Get it at a discount πŸ’°

You can purchase the course now at a discount, for $290 (normally $490) since the course is not yet finished.

Buy the course

I am planning on releasing a new module every couple of weeks. Here are is my progress so far (grayed out modules have not yet been completed):

Interacting with Blockchains
Internal Data Structure of Blockchains
Tangent: NFTs
πŸ”¨ dApp #1 - Smart Contract Marketplace
Tangent: DeFi
πŸ”¨ Building our own Blockchain
Tangent: Blockchain Wars
πŸ”¨ dApp #2 - Decentralized YouTube
Tangent: DAOs
Final Project

First module is free

The first module is free - just sign in.

You can also leave your email if you would like to hear about updates and additional discounts.


What are the prerequisites?

You're expected to be familiar with programming. Especially Javascript. We will use libraries like web3.js which are written in Javascript.
No previous knowledge of Solidity is required. We will learn it as we go along.

Can I buy this course with the education budget that my employer provides?

Absolutely. I can provide invoices. Just contact me.

You can also explore articles and videos on my blog: